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Grace Church can be likened to water to a thirsty land. It brings nourishment to souls in Germany via the gospel of Christ of Jesus. It is bible based gathering of Christ believers and is committed to nurturing people to discover and fulfill their God given purpose through biblical principles. Grace Church also sometimes referred to as Charis Church believes that we – Human beings, are not just here on earth to occupy space and simply live for living sake but rather to use life’s opportunities, relationships, challenges and problems to grow and mature the seed of faith that has been made available to everyone. We believe that once we accept him-Jesus Christ, as our Lord and personal savior we have his spirit and abilities and therefore can be victorious in all spheres of life, we can share the  love of God like he did, touch the hearts of people like did and have dominion over life’s challenges like he did.


Grace Church is a place that provides an atmosphere to learn about the Love of God, what he has deposited in us and share it with our world. An atmosphere of worship, love, kindness faith and joy is created in all our services through heart and spirit felt song ministrations, great bible based teachings and occasional bread breaking. Feel free to join us anytime and you will be welcomed to a beautiful family of believers.

We are located Mommsenstr 9, 42289, Wuppertal

Our services are as follows:

Sundays : Empowerment service 11oclock to 13.15 o’clock. (Main service)

Thursdays: 18.30-19.30 (prayer meeting)

Sachspenden gerne an folgende Adresse senden:

Grace House e.V.
Mommsenstr. 3
42289 Wuppertal

Geldspenden an unser Spendenkonto:

Grace House e.V.
IBAN: DE03 3305 0000 0000 2765 76

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